Sirshasana - Head Stand



    Sanskrit     शीर्षासन
    IAST      śīrṣāsana
    English     Head Stand


    1. Sit in Vajrasana
    2. Bend Forward and place the forearms with fingers interlocked in front of the knees with a distance of shoulder width between the elbows
    3. Place the crown of the head between the interlocked fingers.
    4. Wrap the hands around the head to make a firm support
    5. Lift the knees and buttocks of the floor and straighten the legs.
    6. Slowly walk the feet as close as possible towards the trunk and head, graudally moving the back towards the vertical position.
    7. Bend the knees slightly, press the things aganist the abdomen and lower chest
    8. Bending the knees, gradually raise the lower legs in a controlled movement
    9. Raise the knees to the vertical position. Keeping the heels near the buttocks, slowly straightent he hips so that the thighs move up and away from the torso
    10. Slowly straighten the knees and raise the lower legs, This is the final postion.
    11. Retrun to the startiting positon by maintaining balance.
      Start by holding the pose 10 to 30 seconds, gradually increase it to 3 to 5 minutes. However, Sirsashana pose can be hold until 30 mintues if desired.
    1. Revitalizes entire body and mind
    2. Relieves anxiety and other pschological disorders
    3. Helps relieve insomnia
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